Are you happy with your breast shape and size? Breasts change through the years, so the breasts you loved in your twenties may have changed into ones you are no longer fond of. No matter where you are in life, you may be looking to change into a more confident version of yourself.

Plastic surgery for breasts has changed over time. What once was just a way to get larger breasts is now more aimed at natural enhancement. Every breast augmentation is customized, taking into consideration your aesthetic goals as well as your body’s size and shape. Most women, today, prefer having breasts that match their entire body. Many want to give up the need for padded and push-up bras. If that sounds like you then we are here to help with breast augmentation in Mesa.

What Are Your Breast Augmentation Options?

There are multiple breast enhancement options in Mesa to choose from. Our board-certified plastic surgeons and staff are here to answer questions and provide guidance as you are making your decisions. Each option has pros and cons, but your final decision needs to meet your hopes and expectations of what your breasts will look like along with other personal preferences.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are a well-known option for breast enlargement. The implants do contain silicone as an outer shell, but the bulk of the implant is simple sterile saline (salt water). They are known for creating a rounder breast. You may prefer these if you are worried about a leak or rupture. The saline is easily absorbed by your body if it leaks out.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants have been notorious in the past due to concerns about reactions to the silicone, especially if it leaked out. However, with years of studies even leaked silicone has never been shown to cause any health concerns. Additionally, the latest generation of silicone implants (“gummy bear” implants) no longer leak out of the shell like older generation implants. You may prefer this type of implant due to their more life-like feel and shape. These implants come in a variety of shapes and projections so that Dr. Stutman can best match your desired outcome.

Fat Injections

A method of breast enlargement that does not involve an implant is the use of fat to increase breast size. Fat can be harvested off an area of your body by liposuction, then injected into your breasts. Being able to kill two birds with one stone by using unwanted fat from one place on your body to enlarge your breasts may appeal to you.

Considerations for Breast Augmentation

None of the implant methods of breast augmentation are considered permanent. Any type of implant has an expected lifespan, after which, you will need to replace or remove it. Silicone or saline implants can be exchanged at any time if you change your opinion of what you want from your breast augmentation.

As you make plans for a Mesa breast augmentation you may also want to include a breast lift. The reshaping and repositioning of your breasts that comes with a breast lift can add to the overall enhancement. If your breasts are sagging, you will need a breast lift to address this. A breast lift can also decrease the size of the implant you will need.

Contact A Skilled Mesa Surgeon For a Breast Augmentation

If you feel self-conscious about your breasts because they are sagging or small, do not hesitate to make an appointment to discuss what can be done to change your breasts into something you like. Having breasts you feel confident in can improve your self-esteem, leaving you better prepared to take on life’s challenges.  Breast augmentation in Mesa could make positive changes in your life. Call today to schedule a consultation with our talented plastic surgeons and start on your path to becoming a new, more feminine you.